For a good laugh ..



Kleine "Leseprobe":

I worked on my manager's computer a while back. While waiting for an operation to complete, I was idly spinning the cursor around the screen, as many do. My manager asked why techs often seem to do that.
"Oh," I said, "sometimes you have to spin the mouse around in a clockwise direction to wind it up. You don't have to do it very often, but we usually do it while we're working on other things to save time."
The manager swallowed the story, and my co-workers and I had a good chuckle about it later.
A few days later, another of our guys was working on the same machine. The manager caught him moving the cursor around while he was waiting on the computer to finish something.
"Why are you spinning the cursor counterclockwise?" the manager asked.
Without missing a beat, he replied, "Every so often, they get wound up too tight, and you have to unwind them."



P.S. Hier gibbet mehr:


Daran ist MS mal ausnahmsweise nicht schuld !!!11111einself1111!!!1111

Tech Support: "Sir, something has burned within your power supply."
Customer: "I bet that there is some command that I can put into the AUTOEXEC.BAT that will take care of this."
Tech Support: "There is nothing that software can do to help you with this problem."
Customer: "I know that there is something that I can put in...some command...maybe it should go into the CONFIG.SYS."
Minutes later:
Tech Support: "Ok, I am not supposed to tell anyone this but there is a hidden command in some versions of DOS that you can use. I want you to edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT and add the last line as C:\DOS\NOSMOKE and reboot your computer."
Customer: "It is still smoking."
Tech Support: "I guess you'll need to call Microsoft and ask them for a patch for the NOSMOKE.EXE."
Four hours later, he calls back.
Tech Support: "Hello sir, how is your computer?"
Customer: "I called Microsoft and they said that my power supply is incompatible with their NOSMOKE.EXE and that I need to get a new one. I was wondering when I can have that done?"


AW: For a good laugh ..

@ RM: Sehr nette Links!

Beim Stöbern ist das hier gerade mein Favorit geworden:

One day I got a call toward the end of the day from a sales rep in Chicago who couldn't get his computer to boot up. We went round and round for about two hours -- nothing worked. I was ready to pull my hair out, but I don't like losing. To lighten the tension of the moment, I started chitchatting with him as we're waiting to see if the machine will restart. He has an IBM ThinkPad, and I told him how much I like mine.

* Him: "Yeah, they're ok, but I travel a lot, and I got tired of the darn thing being so heavy, so I installed Windows CE to make it lighter."
Also: Dann deinstallier ich mal grade X, damit mein Lapi nicht mehr so schwer ist *g*


Einziger Unterschied....

Jacko schrieb:
Also: Dann deinstallier ich mal grade X, damit mein Lapi nicht mehr so schwer ist *g*
Dein Lappi wäre dann trotzdem noch zu etwas zu gebrauchen, auch ohne X (allerdings dadurch trotzdem nicht leichter).


