Was dabei herauskommen kann, wenn zwei bekloppte Pinguine wie TypeRyder und meine Wenigkeit bei der Installation von Debian auf einem Notebook das falsche Stichwort bekommen.
Das war das Stichwort (aber wer konnte auch ahnen ....)[23:14:16] <Rain_Maker> dann "let's ETCH it"
[23:14:30] <TypeRyder> yep!
[23:14:49] <TypeRyder> Here we go - installing etch NOW *G*
[23:15:06] <Rain_Maker> Houston, We have lift off
PartI of mission accomplished ...*Piep*[23:15:14] <Rain_Maker> Ich geh mal kurz unter die Dusche
[23:15:17] <Rain_Maker> bis gleich
[23:15:21] <TypeRyder> Mal was gegen "How Do You want do Get Hacked Today" unternehmen... *g*
[23:17:36] <TypeRyder> viel erfolg *g*
[23:29:04] <Rain_Maker> rø
[23:31:19] <TypeRyder> wb
[23:31:55] <TypeRyder> "Houston, we have four fine partitions, a fine install - all looking good" *g*
[23:32:20] <Rain_Maker> *LOL*
[23:41:06] <TypeRyder> So, nu erstmal die ganzen Pakete draufhauen, die man so braucht
[23:41:16] <Rain_Maker> jupp *g*
[23:41:44] <TypeRyder> die installation lief bisher buttermäßig - gleich noch Atheros fix installieren und gucken, was die Dame so braucht an Kram
[23:46:54] <TypeRyder> "Okay, Houston - both Systems are bootable, System is runnig fine...request permission to continue installation *g*"
[23:47:09] <Rain_Maker> *g*
[23:47:18] <Rain_Maker> "Touchdown"
[23:47:31] <Rain_Maker> Permission granted
[23:47:42] <Rain_Maker> This is mission control
[23:47:47] <Rain_Maker> I repeat
[23:47:50] <TypeRyder> *g*
[23:47:54] <Rain_Maker> this is mission control
[23:48:12] <Rain_Maker> permission for apt-get maneuver granted
[23:48:22] <Rain_Maker> start executing now
[23:48:44] <Rain_Maker> permission granted
[23:49:39] <TypeRyder> Houston, we repeat: permission for apt-get maneuver granted - starting apt-get now
[23:50:01] <Rain_Maker> roger
[23:50:21] <Rain_Maker> start apt-get and good luck
[23:51:20] <TypeRyder> Going for xserver-xcore install...
[23:51:34] <Rain_Maker> It's one small apt for man, but a giant leap for graphical kind
[23:51:37] <Rain_Maker> (SCNR)
[23:52:04] <TypeRyder> lol
[23:52:47] <TypeRyder> Houston, we have a nice xserver-install, a nice running xserver and a nice running kde - going for configuring userspace now
[23:53:12] <Rain_Maker> sounds good, do go on
[23:53:29] <Rain_Maker> permission for "Explore userSPACE" granted
[23:53:58] <Rain_Maker> (never miss ....)
[23:55:29] <Rain_Maker> This is mission control, please proceed as soon as possible to mission directive "Wireless" so we can unplug the 200.000km of ethernet-cable to your Vessel
[23:55:35] <Rain_Maker> (Der musste sein *gggggg*)
[23:55:39] <TypeRyder> Houston, Backdoor installed, continuing installation...
[23:55:44] <Rain_Maker> *LOL*
[23:55:44] <TypeRyder> LOL!
[23:56:05] <TypeRyder> (ich stelle mir grade mal das Bild vor mit der Kabeltrommel hinterm Shuttle *lach*)
[23:56:13] <Rain_Maker> ach Du auch?
[23:56:44] <Rain_Maker> Diesen herrlichen Blödsinn muss ich übrigens der Nachwelt erhalten, das ist Dir klar?
[23:56:59] <TypeRyder> Yep!
[23:57:06] <Rain_Maker> OK, *kopier*
[23:57:22] <TypeRyder> "Roger, Houston" *piep*